Every now and then, an innovation comes along that changes the industry. Atlas Copco’s E-Air H185 VSD compressor is a game-changer when it comes to performance, energy-efficiency and versatility. The E-Air’s VSD motor is clean, compact, energy-efficient and quiet, while the compressors are easy to install and operate. No emissions, unrivaled efficiency, low noise levels and a plug-and-play design; you can take the E-Air anywhere.
The PACE controller increases the utilization rate of your compressor
Every E-Air VSD comes with PACE technology (Pressure Adjusted through Cognitive Electronics), an electronic pressure regulation system. You select the pressure in the compressor’s controller, your application dictates the flow, the PACE controller locks in and regulates the perfect combination. Setting the pressure is a matter of 3 clicks and you can choose a pressure at increments of 0.1 bar / 2 psi.
One compressor can cover the needs of various applications. From 5 bar / 72 psi to run a handheld tool, to 10 bar / 145 psi for sandblasting to up to 14 bar/ 200 psi for cable blowing, all with one machine. A conventional, fixed speed compressor runs at a fixed pressure level, delivering a corresponding maximal flow rate. A PACE compressor however, can deliver additional flow at lower pressure settings. When the load goes down, PACE finetunes the motor speed accordingly, which saves energy… and money. Read more about PACE
Every now and then, an innovation comes along that changes the industry. Atlas Copco’s E-Air H185 VSD compressor is a game-changer when it comes to performance, energy-efficiency and versatility. The E-Air’s VSD motor is clean, compact, energy-efficient and quiet, while the compressors are easy to install and operate. No emissions, unrivaled efficiency, low noise levels and a plug-and-play design; you can take the E-Air anywhere.
The PACE controller increases the utilization rate of your compressor
Every E-Air VSD comes with PACE technology (Pressure Adjusted through Cognitive Electronics), an electronic pressure regulation system. You select the pressure in the compressor’s controller, your application dictates the flow, the PACE controller locks in and regulates the perfect combination. Setting the pressure is a matter of 3 clicks and you can choose a pressure at increments of 0.1 bar / 2 psi.
One compressor can cover the needs of various applications. From 5 bar / 72 psi to run a handheld tool, to 10 bar / 145 psi for sandblasting to up to 14 bar/ 200 psi for cable blowing, all with one machine. A conventional, fixed speed compressor runs at a fixed pressure level, delivering a corresponding maximal flow rate. A PACE compressor however, can deliver additional flow at lower pressure settings. When the load goes down, PACE finetunes the motor speed accordingly, which saves energy… and money. Read more about PACE
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the E-Air H185 VSD